Successful Images Get Published

“Let your images breathe for copy space, and keep them authentic.”

I often get asked to contribute to articles which is always and honor for me. I was recently asked for my insight on the topic of what ingredients make a successful image. There are so many elements that make a successful image, but I decided to focus on a few that really matter.

Is there a formula to making a successful photograph?
I think that a successful photograph should tell a story in one decisive moment, while transferring a simple and clear message through the use of excellent light and color harmony. I love to photograph Indigenous people and their unique lifestyle, so in recent years I have traveled extensively throughout Australasia and Oceania to document the cultures of Indigenous Australians and Pacific Islanders. Let your images breathe for copy space, and keep them authentic.

“…a good picture needs to have a unique point of view and needs to get a reaction from the viewer.”

What’s the story behind this photo?

Snoring affects approximately 90 million American adults, so it’s a big issue, especially for the partner sleeping next to them! With this photo, I wanted to portray the effects of living with a person that suffers from Apnea from a different perspective.


What’s best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

The best piece of advice anyone has ever given me was that a good picture needs to have a unique point of view and needs to get a reaction from the viewer. It was advice I received from a chief photographer in a news agency back when I started my photojournalism career. I have continued to apply this approach to every photo assignment I have covered and every photo I have created since then.

Where do you find inspiration for your photography?

I find my photography inspiration in everyday life. I have learned to see beauty in places others do not.